Mary Kelly's Munchkins Day Nursery
Mary Kelly's Munchkins Day Nursery

Your child is our priority

At Munchkin's we believe children's happiness and well being is priority, when these are met the children will thrive and learn. We believe in building independence and resilience in children so they are more likely to take healthy risks, solve problems and be trusting of their instincts. 


We believe that every child has a spark inside then and it's our responsibility to ignite that spark. Play is a vital role in the children's learning and development. Babies and young children learn heuristically, through investigating, discovering and problem solving by experimental and trial and error methods. 
Our creative practitioners embellish and fascinate the children by using creativity and imagination to extend their experiences and bring fun to their daily lives. 
Our enabling environment supports and promotes the children to show high levels of involvement, that is when there is progress and development occurring - when the brain is most active. Our skilled staff allow the children to pursue their own interest as this is when most often high level involvement occurs. 

At Munchkin's we provide resources that are accessible to the children and are varied, open ended resources (loose parts). Open ended resources allow children to explore their opportunities and functions. 
Open ended play means that it doesn't have a specific goal or outcome or use. However, there are many reason to support this play:


  • Develop language use
  • Increase engagement level
  • Develop imagination
  • Develop fine and gross motor skills
  • Develop an understanding of risk
  • Develop sense of self
  • Engage in schema play


Through observation and assessment we facilitate the children's learning and support opportunities so the children can learn about the world in an engaging and meaningful way. 
Babies and young children are experiencing and learning in the here and now, not storing up their questions until tomorrow or next week. It is in that moment of curiosity, puzzlement, effort or interest 'the teachable moment' that our skilful practitioner makes a difference 


We're here for you:


+44 161 7244184


Opening hours

7.30am - 6.00pm Monday - Friday


Please also use our contact form.


Munchkins Day Nursery
127 Blackburn Street


M26 3WQ




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© Mary Kelly’s Munchkins Day Nursery